broke my bed now it's dead

openbsd first setup after install

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just installed openbsd on my chromebook, seems to be working fine!

since it's my first time using openbsd, here are some stuff that i will start to do on my machines after installing openbsd:

enable doas

doas is kinda the equivalent of sudo. to enable it, run cp /etc/examples/doas.conf /etc to copy the doas config file.

disable root account

now that doas is ready, we dont need to root account anymore. to disable it, run usermod -p'*' root to set the root password to *. this will prevent root from log on directly to the machine (with su as an example), but with doas we can run doas sh to get a shell.

install missing firmware for your hardware

maybe your wifi card isn't working? or maybe you can't display any graphical interface? maybe that's because you don't have the firmware for it: here's how to install it:

run doas fw_update -i to see the missing firmwares.

so grab a flash drive, format it in fat filesystem format, go to, download the missing firmwares, along with the SHA256.sig and index.txt files, and put them on the usb key.

mount the flash drive on openbsd, and run doas fw_update -p *path of flash drive* to install the firmwares from the flash drive.

your missing firmware should not be anymore.